Free Landlord Webinar – by Martyn Taylor of Ashley Taylors Legal – Avoiding and Minimising Disrepair Claims

This month’s 30 minute Ashley Taylors Legal Webinar looks at ‘Disrepair Claims’ – an easy option for delaying possessions claims and in fact, there are now TV adverts encouraging compensation claims for tenants. Learn how to minimise these.

When: Thursday 9th November 2023  2.15pm – 2.45pm
Topic: Avoiding and Minimizing Disrepair Claims
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A note from the host – Martyn Taylor;

I have seen so many cases in the last nine months of tenants raising disrepair either in possession actions or bringing actions against their landlords for disrepair in ever increasing numbers that I am moved to make my next talk about how you can minimise these.

It’s not so much that I have seen a significant rise in disreputable landlords, it’s more that many of these claims could have been undermined from the outset if Landlords or Managing Agents had been shown ways to combat these claims.  Many of you do know your duties and operate systems to do what is right but the way claims are brought means that you feel the playing field is not level.  It’s not!  That’s why we need to discuss this from my perspective to help you help me for a better outcome.

This talk is deigned to do just that.

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